Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Nil By Mouth

Nil by Mouth


Won a bafta
Kathy Burke – Best actress, cannes film festival
Edinburgh film festival award
People walked out of the cinema because the film had such a violent nature throughout the film but also a fight scene where character misscarries is also hardhitting.


Based on the environment Oldman witnessed growing up on a council estate in South East London. Pubs and estates in Deptford and New Cross.
Throughout the film the lighting stays dark, reflecting the mood of the film
Set in a rundown area in south London.


Released in 1997
Distributed by Sony pictures classics
Generally well received by critics
Film experts have voted it the most foul mouthed movie of all time, second in the list was the film casino
‘I wanted the film to represent the culture and neighbourhood I came from, which is why I breathed a sigh of relief when it went down so well with the british people who’ve seen it’ – Gary Oldman.

The video below is an interview with Gary Oldman talking about his film Nil by Mouth.

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